Sending Email
Spinalogic has some powerful tools for helping you to send email reliably to your patients.
Types of Email
There are two types of email: Transactional and Marketing. Transactional email is all the normal email of your business e.g. reminder emails, receipts, appointment schedules etc. Marketing emails are ones you send to promote your business e.g. special offers, discounts etc.
Setting up Email
You can send transactional email right out of the box with no additional configuration. If you want to send marketing email, we do provide a SMTP server to do that but the deliverability of those emails will not be very good. You’ll need to configure your own SMTP server for marketing email for good results.
Email Templates
Spinalogic has deep templating for sending emails. You can merge patient info in the subject and body of the email as well as generate attachments from document templates that can also be generated by merging even including patient x-rays or other images. Setting up some email templates will greatly increase the efficiency and quality of your practice.
Ways to send email
There are several ways to send email in Spinalogic:
- Single manual email – right-click on a patient in a list, Contact..Email. You can use templates.
- Single manual receipt – Payment/Sale form, click button ‘Save and Email’. You get a chance to edit the email before it is sent.
- Single manual statement – Patient..Admin..Accounts. ‘Statements’ button top-right.
- Statement broadcast – Admin..Broadcast..Statements. See here.
- Email broadcast – Admin..Broadcast..Broadcast Email / SMS. Powerful tool for sending emails to patients – both for transactional and marketing purposes.
- Reminder messages – Appointments..Calls. Send email to patients with upcoming appointments to remind them.
- Patient Safety Net – tracking of patients falling off schedule to keep them on track.
Spinalogic also has an Email Harvester for collecting emails for you to use with your preferred marketing mail system like MailChimp or Constant Contact.
Email Content
An email can contain just plain text or your can make it as fancy as you want with a HTML body. Spinalogic has some simple tools built in for adding simple HTML like anchor tags (links on text), images, lists, bold, italic etc. But if you want to get fancier, you can edit up your email in Word and save as HTML to use in Spinalogic.
Email Send Logging
Every email that is sent from Spinalogic is logged. If the email is related to a patient, then the email is full is added to the patient record as an attached document. You can see the status of the email right there in real time.
You can also access the email log in full at Admin..Broadcast..View Sent Items. This will open the Email SMS Batch Viewer.
Email Status
If you use one of our Spinalogic Transactional SMTP servers, Spinalogic can track the status of your sent emails in great detail all the way through to opens and clicks. You can see the status in the patient attached documents or full detail in the Email / SMS Item Viewer.
If you are using your own SMTP server, we can only report the status as ‘Queued’ meaning we sent it to the SMTP server and it accepted the message. Beyond that, you’d have to check with the SMTP service provider if the mail is not getting delivered as you’d expect.
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