Spinalogic is built on industrial-strength technology and shoud not run slow even with millions of images, documents and patients. If it is running slow, there is something wrong and it will almost always be a problem with the environment that Spinalogic is running on, not Spinalogic. If you think Spinalogic is running OK but you […]
To print on the DB4 form, you need a Dot Matrix printer and it must be installed on one of your PCs. The Printer You need one of the following models: Epson LX-300 Epson LX-300+ Epson LX-300+ II Note that the LX-300+ II is the only model that will work with 64-bit editions of Windows. […]
Spinalogic has fully integrated handling of Australian Medicare form printing for x-ray payment claims. Setup To use it you will need: Medicare DB4 forms Dotmatrix Printer Magnetic card reader (optional – any USB reader will be fine) Click on the above items to set up each. Using the magnetic card reader will eliminate errors on […]
Departure stops are a useful feature for stopping a patient before they leave. You may have them turned on for an appointment type without your knowledge which may be confusing, but once fully understood there are many reasons to keep them. There are a few reasons that patients could be getting stopped.
There are a number of rules applied when patients are being called. Sometimes, you may have Calling working fine but then it won’t call a particular patient. They may appear ‘stuck’ in the hotseats list. Here’s where to look. 1. Preferred Table You can set a patient to only get called to a specific table. If […]
When you install on a new workstation, you may get the following message: “You do not have network permissions to access the Spinalogic data path.” When you click through, you see: This means that your workstation can connect to the Database on the server but cannot connect to the Spinalogic File Share located at the […]
Installer fails saying ‘Can’t install SQL Server’ This usually occurs because you have an old version of Spinalogic installed. To uninstall, go to Add/Remove Programs in Windows, select SQL Server 2005/2008. Click ‘Remove’. Follow the prompts and remove any instance called ‘Spinalogic’.
Sometimes you may open a patient’s file and find all their images are super-zoomed-in and you have to zoom them all out again to view properly. The Cause This happens when you try to view a patient’s images but Spinalogic can’t access them on the server – usually due to a network problem. Spinalogic will […]
Rotate: You can rotate images in the image capture screen. You cannot rotate images after this point so remember to do it then. Flip: You can flip digital x-ray images in image analysis after they’ve been imported into Spinalogic. You cannot flip x-rays at image capture because the digital x-ray format, DICOM, is a static […]
Problem: You click the install button and see a bunch of text instead of installing. Solution: Clear your online app cache. Go to Start menu, select run, enter “rundll32 %windir%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache” (without quotes). Press enter. Restart your PC.
Before importing to Spinalogic, it’s wise to clean obvious errors from your old system data. Use the Error Checking tab for this. This may take a few sessions to complete. Just save your changes, close the importer and when you re-open, you can pick up from where you left off. Once you have set your […]
Make sure the printer is correctly setup under Windows. Microsoft has a page for helping with printer problems here. Secondly, make sure the correct printer is selected in the Spinalogic settings. Please see the Printer Setup page for more help on checking which printer is selected.
Under the Expert settings making sure it does not have the “Patient” check box ticked.
This is most likely caused by too many images waiting to be imported, i.e. 500 plus. Any images that are in the import folder that don’t need to be imported should be deleted or relocated somewhere else. Images that you import should be imported with the option “Delete file after import” so that they are […]
You may be using Spinalogic on a tablet like the Microsoft Surface Pro or Go. By default, these are set to use tablet mode. If you find this more convenient, this is fine. There are a couple of considerations however: Arrivals and Checkout These apps are designed to operate in ‘Kiosk Mode’ so there is […]
On 3rd March 2021, a major update of Spinalogic was released: Version In order to keep Spinalogic security in line with progressively improving global security standards, we require all pcs running this version to have .NET 4.8 installed. If you are using Windows 10 (recommended) and are keeping it up-to-date, this version of .NET […]
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