There are a number of rules applied when patients are being called. Sometimes, you may have Calling working fine but then it won’t call a particular patient. They may appear ‘stuck’ in the hotseats list. Here’s where to look.

1. Preferred Table

You can set a patient to only get called to a specific table. If you don’t realise this and that table is not available, it may seem that the patient is not getting called. Go to Patients..Admin..Family – Patient Preferences tab. Check the ‘Preferred Table’.

2. Appointment is with a different doctor than that logged on to the table

You can choose to allow or dis-allow this scenario. It depends on the ‘Keep with Dr Responsible for Case’ option you set for the patient. Go to Patients..Admin..Family – Patient Preferences tab. Un-check ‘Keep with Dr Responsible for Case’.

OR, change the case doctor to match the doctor logged on to the table.

That’s about it 🙂


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