*NOTE: only needs to be used when holiday is at the end of the week (not a Monday).

Step 1: Create a user named ‘Holiday’

Go to Settings > Security > Users and create a user called ‘Holiday’. Make this user a practitioner with a default service and appointment. (it is recommended to name ‘zHoliday’ to keep this user separate from other practitioners.)

Step 2: Add Hours for the ‘Holiday’

  1. Go to Settings > Appointments > Hours and select the ‘Holiday’ user.
  2. Create a shift by adding hours for the holiday at the end of the week (Starting date should always be Sunday before the holiday week).
  3. Set the days and hours that you will be away.

This way, during those weeks where you have a holiday, instead of appointments being mapped for the following week, they will be scheduled during the holiday with ‘Holiday’ practitioner.

Step 3: Reschedule the appointments with Holiday

Simply reschedule the appointment to an earlier date in the week and make sure to select the correct doctor.

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