Resolving Zero-Touch Transaction Confusion
The Spinalogic Zero-Touch Payment system has been in operation for over 15 years and reliably processed over 1 million transactions. If you have an apparent discrepancy, it is unlikely to be an error in the ZT processing. Here is how to understand these transactions in detail.
Key Background on the Zero Touch (ZT) Service
Automated payments including Membership, Scheduled Pay Zero Touch and AutoBill are all processed once a day at 8 am your time. Typically, they will be completed within 5-30 min of the 8 am start.
Transactions manually posted to ZT will be processed usually within 60 sec of submission.
If for some reason you have multiple membership payments to catch up on for a given patient, they will not be processed on the same day, but on subsequent days until the outstanding payments are caught up.
The final transaction between banks is not performed by Spinalogic by by your Payment Gateway (PG). This is typically Stripe or EWay.
Tracing a Transaction from Spinalogic to your Payment Gateway (PG)
If you look at a ZT transaction in Spinalogic, you can easily see all these details:
In this case you can see the Membership ledger was billed at 8:00 am automatically by ZT, and by ZT to Stripe. Stripe completed the transaction just seconds later at 8:00 am. The order number is the number produced by Spinalogic to ensure the transaction can only be sent to your PG once. You can see it if you look in the PG dashboard – with Stripe it’s in the ‘Description’ field. The transaction id uniquely identifies the transaction to your PG. If you click the link below the description, you will go directly to that transaction in your PG dashboard:
Tracing a transaction from your PG to Spinalogic
Once you find the transaction in your PG dashboard, note the PG payment id (the one that starts with ‘ch_’ in Stripe, it is a long number in EWay) and the date of the transaction. You can see the name of the patient in the transaction.
Return to Spinalogic, look in the account of the patient, match the date, open the transaction and check the Stripe payment id matches. Then you know you have the same transaction.
You can also search for the transaction in the ZT Payment Monitor by just pasting in the payment id. This will allow you to find transactions where you’re not sure of the patient.
Be aware, the same card can be used by more than one patient! Just because it’s a transaction on the same card doesn’t mean it’s for the same patient.
‘Duplicate Transactions’
Spinalogic doesn’t process the same transaction twice so you won’t get duplicate transactions. If you look closely, you will see the order number and PG payment ids differ.
Tracing a transaction from your PG to the Patient Bank statement
We are not able to assist with this. You will need to work with Stripe/EWay and your patient with their bank. However, errors by the PG or Banks are very rare so you can usually rule this out.
The most common confusion arises because not all banks show the original date of the transaction in their statement. It may appear the same day, the next day or even the day after. Careful review of the timing and amounts of the transactions should reveal the matches however. In most mobile banking apps, if you click through on the transaction the patient can see the actual date of the transaction instead of the confusing date shown on the statement.
Note also that the bank may add some transaction id to the item on the statement. It is only useful to the bank and does not help with identifying the transaction in Stripe or Spinalogic.
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