Cloud Benefits
We’re thrilled to announce that Spinalogic is now fully cloud-based!
This transition opens a world of possibilities and advantages for our users, including you. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect:
Non-financial Benefits
Accessibility: With Spinalogic now on the cloud, you can access your practice data anytime, anywhere, and from any PC with an internet connection. Whether you’re in the office, at home, or on the go, you’ll have full access to your patient records, schedules, and more.
Scalability: As your practice grows, so can Spinalogic. The cloud-based platform offers scalable solutions that can easily adapt to the changing needs of your practice, whether you’re expanding your services, adding new staff, or opening additional locations.
Security and Compliance: We understand the importance of keeping your patients’ data safe and secure. That’s why we’ve invested in robust security measures to protect your practice data on our cloud-based platform, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and keeping the risk of data corruption and viruses at an absolute minimum.
Enhanced Collaboration: Collaboration among your team members has never been easier. With Spinalogic in the cloud, multiple users can simultaneously access and update patient information in real-time, leading to improved communication and workflow efficiency.
Seamless Updates: Say goodbye to manual software updates and installations. With Spinalogic in the cloud, updates are automatically deployed, ensuring that you always have access to the latest features and enhancements without any downtime or disruption to your practice.
End to End Support: Your server and data will be fully maintained by us, meaning you will need very little (if any) external IT support.
Financial Benefits
Let’s pretend that you decided to buy your own server instead of using our cloud solution. Assuming that you purchase a server for $1500 with our recommended specs and you run it 24/7 at average Australian electricity prices with installation provided by your IT company, the price starts adding up quite quickly. Using average numbers we find that it usually costs a practice around $163/month to host their own server and run Spinalogic locally. This number does includes our average backup cost but does not include the cost of recurring IT support.
Run your own numbers here and find out how much you could save by going on the cloud!
If you’re interested in learning more about how Spinalogic can benefit your practice or if you have any questions about our cloud-based platform, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way.
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