Here are the instructions and examples for calculating program start dates for 1/2w, 1/3w, and 1/4w programs: In the care program settings, when you create a program, you’ll find the visit and week numbers under the “Program Template Details.” 1/2 Week Programs: Visits are scheduled as follows: • 1st visit: 2nd week from the start […]
We’re thrilled to announce that Spinalogic is now fully cloud-based! This transition opens a world of possibilities and advantages for our users, including you. Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect: Non-financial Benefits Accessibility: With Spinalogic now on the cloud, you can access your practice data anytime, anywhere, and from any […]
Clinical documents cannot be deleted once entered into the system. However, they can be re-assigned. How to Re-Assign a clinical document Right click on the name of the patient > Clinical > Documents NOTE: It is recommended to create a patient called ‘Trash’ to reassign the unwanted documents and images. Removing / Re-Assigning images
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