Choosing your Zero-Touch Payment Gateway
Zero-Touch Payment is an advanced automatic payment system exclusive to Spinalogic. It allows total automation of patient payments removing this responsibility from your front desk. It also eliminates errors and the possibility of losing cash.
Zero-Touch Payments can be used with Schedule Pay, Autobill, Membership and, of course, Zero-Touch.
Zero-Touch payments are resolved through a payment gateway. Spinalogic supports Stripe, PayPal and eWay.
You do need the Zero-Touch service installed on your server too. All new Spinalogic installations have the service enabled. If you are not sure if you do, see Troubleshooting Zero-Touch, or just contact support:
Choosing your payment gateway
Modern and super easy and fast to set up. You need to create an account which takes about 10 min to complete. Patient does not need to have an account. Billing is only to Debit and Credit cards, not Direct Debit. Registering the patient for billing is a 1 second process. Stripe is the only payment gateway with instant pay available where you can take secure payments via SMS, email and QR code. Stripe is also compatible with apple and google pay.
You can also use Stripe for self Checkout.
In general, we recommend using Stripe. How to set up.
Easy to set up, just enter your email address. But patients must have a PayPal account to use. They can link their account to Bank Account or to Debit/Credit cards. Registering the patient is easy if the patient knows their PayPal account details.
You cannot use PayPal for self checkout.
A gateway to any standard bank internet merchant facility. You need an account with eWay and an internet merchant facility with your bank. It can be a bit difficult and time-consuming to set up. Patient does not need to have an account. Billing is only to Debit and Credit cards, not Direct Debit. Registering the patient for billing is a 1 second process.
You can also use eWay for self Checkout.
Testing your Payment Gateway
Once your payment gateway is configured, test you can make zero-touch and checkout payments.
Note that most gateways have a minimum payment threshold of $1 so don’t make your transactions too small or they will fail.
Storage of card details is regulated by PCI, by a process called PCI-DSS. PCI-DSS is complex and onerous but the payment gateways used by Spinalogic take care of all of that for you.
At no time are credit card details stored by Spinalogic. They are submitted directly to the payment gateway in accordance with the requirements of the payment gateway.
In the case of stored card details, the payment gateway supplies a token that is stored by Spinalogic. This is how you can do recurring payment without actually storing the card details.
Either way, you can be sure you are PCI-DSS compliant.
If you would like to know more about the PCI-DSS compliance of the payment gateway of your choice, just contact them directly.
Further Info
Here is a series of videos showing how to use ZeroTouch.
Check Zero-Touch Fees.
Use the Zero-Touch Payment Monitor to see the transactions process in real-time and to audit transactions.
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