Zero-Touch Fees
Fees for Zero Touch Payment depend on your gateway. Zero Touch supports PayPal, eWay and Stripe.
There are two fees to use Zero Touch Payment – a small Spinalogic fee and a PayPal fee.
Spinalogic charges an AUD$0.20 fee per transaction. This is billed as an AUD$1.00 fee on every fifth transaction. This fee is waived for Spinalogic Unlimited installations.
The PayPal varies from country to country. You can see your fees on the PayPal website. You will need to login so the fees apply to your account. For example, in Australia, the fee starts at $0.30 plus 2.4%. Once you reach $5000 of sales in the previous month, you can apply to for the Merchant Rate which can go as low as 1.1% based on the previous month’s volume.
eWay is a direct-to-credit-card billing system. It’s much easier and possibly somewhat cheaper to use than PayPal but it takes quite some setting up to start using it. You need:
- An internet merchant facility from a bank of your choice
- An eWay account as the gateway between Spinalogic and your internet merchant facility.
You should be about to get your merchant fees to less than 2% with some shopping around. eWay fees depend on volume. You can check their fees here.
Check their fees here.
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