Xero Integration
The Spinalogic-Xero integration allows direct posting of transactions from Spinalogic to Xero for bookkeeping purposes.
All Bank Accounts can be exported to Xero – Trading Account etc. The feature is especially useful for fees collected via Stripe as they can be reconciled directly back to Stripe so they will always be correct.
There is a bit to set this up, but once it’s complete, it’s a super-easy batch process to complete your bookkeeping for the rest of time.
Setup in Stripe
Buy ‘Xero Custom Connection’
First you must buy a ‘Xero Custom Connection’ in your Xero Account. This is required so Spinalogic can talk directly to your Xero Account. The fee at time of writing is AUD 10/month. Purchase here: https://connect.xero.com/custom
Setup a custom connection in Xero
Click here for the Xero support page with steps required for Xero Setup. You only need to complete up to step 4. We take care of the other steps inside Spinalogic.
- Create the Custom Connection
Log in to My Apps and click “New App”. Give the integration a name and select “Custom connection” as the integration type. Save and connect. Don’t change the email. It won’t work and you won’t be told why. - Select scopes and the authorising user
Scopes required are: accounting.transactions, accounting.settings, accounting.contacts. - Authorise the connection
You will receive an email – click “Connect” button in the email, the authorising user will be taken to a consent screen where they can see which scopes are being requested and select the organisation to connect.
Please note: Without a ‘Xero Custom Connection’ subscription Custom Connections will be displayed but will be unavailable for connection. - Retrieve your Client id and Client secret
Once the custom connection has been authorised, the client id will be available on the app details page and you can generate the client secret. Keep these in a safe place. - OPTIONAL
If you already have an account in Xero that you use to receive Stripe transactions from a feed, you will no longer be needing or using that. You can disable it now if you like.
Setup in Spinalogic
- Go to Settings..System Settings..Accounts. Select the stripe account. Edit ‘Reconcile Settings’
- Batch interval: Daily – this is the cadence used by Stripe.
- Time zone: Set your local time zone.
- Time of day: N/A
- Delay (days): 0
- Use Xero – checked.
- Xero client id – as captured above.
- Xero secret – as captured above. Click test to see that your credentials are working correctly. You’ll get a green message below if successful.
- Temp account – this is the Xero account for your Stripe transactions that will contain the Spinalogic transactions that compose each stripe transaction and then the transfer items to move funds from this Xero account to the destination Xero account. Click Select. You can select one or create a new one here.
- Destination account – this is the Xero account that Stripe transfers to. Click select and select it.
- Sales code – the code used for sales in Xero. Usually, 200.
- Bank fee code – the code used for bank fees in Xero. Usually, 404.
- Practice contact – you need a contact for the transactions coming from Spinalogic. Select any one you like or create a new one right there.
- Stripe contact – you need a contact for the transactions coming from Stripe. Select any one you like or create a new one right there.
- Enable Zero Touch Upload – This is not yet enabled/working in Spinalogic. You will need to leave this unticked for now.
- Save and close.
- Save and close.
How to use the Xero Integration
In Spinalogic, once a week or month or what ever interval works for your bookkeeping cadence complete the following.
- Go to: Admin..Reports..Reconciliation
- Change settings as required:
Bank account: select your stripe account.
Payment type: N/A
Last processed: this will show the date of last processing.
Process from: defaults to the last processed date making it easy.
Process to: defaults to midnight this morning, again making it easy. Typically, just select the bank account and leave the rest alone. You’ll need to set the from date the first time you use it of course. You may also need to if you get stuck with reconciliation in Xero… although this should be a rare issue. Note that you can do years at a time, no problem 😉 - Click ‘Process’.
Spinalogic will then get the records from Stripe and reconcile them back to transactions in Spinalogic. It will generate 4 categories: Product, Service, Payment, Refund or Bank Fee. Each can be with or without GST. There will then be a transfer transaction at the end of each day where you will see the line balance go to Xero. - When you are satisfied with what you are seeing and confident you will not be creating duplicates in Xero (!)… Click ‘To Xero’. The transactions in the report will now be uploaded into Xero. The transfer transactions will be applied, and all will be marked as reconciled.
All transactions are matched by the Stripe ID. This is created when you enter a transaction to stripe from Spinalogic. If you use Stripe outside of Spinalogic you will have errors in your report. Even if you have entered these transactions manually into Spinalogic they will not link. This is normal.
Errors may also represent transactions that have been deleted from Spinalogic.
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