Windows Update for Version
On 3rd March 2021, a major update of Spinalogic was released: Version
In order to keep Spinalogic security in line with progressively improving global security standards, we require all pcs running this version to have .NET 4.8 installed.
If you are using Windows 10 (recommended) and are keeping it up-to-date, this version of .NET was automatically installed about a year ago, so you have nothing special to do.
If you are using older versions of Windows such as 7 or 8 (not recommended), you may have to install .NET 4.8 separately. You’ll have the smoothest upgrade experience in this case if you do this ahead of time since the .NET 4.8 install can take some time to apply. In some instances up to 30 minutes.
What to Do
All my workstations and server are Windows 10
Everything is fine. There is nothing further for you to do… unless you are using Stripe – see below.
One or more of my workstations or my server is not Windows 10
You should check .NET 4.8 is installed on each workstation and your server before updating:
- Download the updater.
- Run it on each machine. If already up-to-date, it will tell you very quickly. If not, it will download what you need and install it.
If you are using Stripe for payment processing
After this update is applied you will have to set your Stripe “Publishable Key” in Spinalogic before you can acquire any new cards. See here on for how to do this. It’s easy and will take about 3 minutes.
Note also that you will no longer be able to use the magnetic stripe reader to acquire card details either in the patient record or at checkout 😢 This is part of the ongoing tightening security protocols.
However… Checkout does now allow patients to save their card so after the first use, it’s actually a faster and easier checkout process for them. Also, if you do acquire their card for them, it will be offered automatically at Checkout again making it easier.
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