When do Zero-Touch Payments Process?
Zero-Touch Payments
The Zero-Touch Service (ZTS) checks for outstanding payments to process every 60 seconds. When you post a transaction to Zero Touch either by updating a patient record at the adjusting table or manually in the Payment-Sale form, it will take up to 60 seconds for the transaction to be submitted to your payment processor.
Membership or Schedule-Pay Zero Touch
If you are using the Membership system or Zero-Touch with Schedule Pay (SPZT), the ZTS checks for due items once per day at 8am.
ZTS then processes each of the due items one at a time. If you have a very large number of membership or SPZT items to process, it may take up to 30 min for them to complete.
This means that the items will appear in the patient ledger at 8:00am or shortly thereafter.
When will items show on the Patient’s Bank Statement
There can be considerable delays between when you take a payment and when it appears on the patient’s bank statement. Sometimes the date on the statement doesn’t even match the date of the transaction. This is due to your payment processor and the patient’s bank and is totally outside of your or our control.
What if ZTS is Switched Off / Not running
If you turn of the PC where the ZTS is running or it fails to run for any other reason, none of your outstanding items are lost. They just won’t get processed until you restart the service.
Any outstanding Zero Touch payments will process as soon as possible after such a restart. If you have a given patient with more than one outstanding membership or SPZT item, only one will be processed per day until they are all caught up.
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