Troubleshooting Zero-Touch Service
Occasionally the Zero Touch service may stop running and no transactions are processed.
Here’s how to fix it.
Determine which PC has the Zero-Touch Service running
This is usually your server but you may have installed it elsewhere. There is no way to tell until the next step so make your best guess – probably your server.
Find the Zero-Touch Service
Type windows-R to open the run command box. Type in ‘services.msc’ (without the quotes). Hit enter.
You will see a list of services running on this machine.
Look for ‘Spinalogic Zero Touch Payment Service’
Stop the Zero-Touch Service
Double-click on the service. Click the ‘Stop’ button.
If it won’t stop…
Right-click the taskbar at the bottom of your screen. Open Task Manager. In processes, find ‘ZeroTouchPaymentService”. Select it and ‘End Process’.
Re-Start Zero Touch
Do the same as above but click the ‘Start’ button.
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