Setting up Microtics (Table Talk points)
MicroTics are short concepts for focussing the Doctor and Patient’s attention on some specific piece of wellness Education. In Spinalogic, you can set up an array of microtics to use in your care programs and they will show on your adjusting screen when you are with patients.
Setting up
Go to Settings..Clinical..Microtics
Enter all the microtics you want to use. You’ll probably want about 30-50 or so to get you started.
Some microtics will be ones that only belong at a specific visit such as the visit before a re-exam. For ones like this, don’t check the ‘Random’ box so they won’t get used where they don’t mean anything. For all the others, check the ‘Random’ box.
If you want your Micro-Tics to show for patients who are off program too, check the box at the bottom of the form. Again, only the ones marked as ‘Random’ will be used in that case.
Close the form.
Now go to your care programs: Settings..Clinical..Care Programs.
You can specify a specific micro-tic for each appointment of the care program. Or, to make it easier, just click ‘Create Random Micro-tics’. After you have a set of random ones, go in and apply the non-random ones to your special appointments.
That’s it! Your microtics will now appear when you adjust.
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