Patient Safety Net
The Patient Safety Net makes sure every patient gets cared for without pressuring them but without forgetting either. It’s extremely customizable, very easy to use, and makes it un-precedentedly fast to handle patients who have gone off-schedule. Never fail to follow up a Missed Appointment or Recall again.
Patient Safety Net 1 – Overview
Patient Safety Net 2 – Doin’ It
Patient Safety Net 3 – Configuration
The patient safety net only shows the most recent 100 items. If you are wondering where your older items are, just start to clear out your recent ones and they will appear.
HTML Email Body
If you want to go fancy in your email body, here is the html code you can see in the sample in the video to get you started:
<p>Hi ~KnownAs~,</p>
<p>We missed you for your ~MissedAppointmentName~ on ~MissedAppointmentDate~ and you haven't made it up in the last 7 days.</p>
<p>For best results we suggest you make up your missed appointment within the next week :)</p>
<p>Thanks ~CurrentUserFirstName~</p> <br/> <img align=left src=''/> <a href=''><img align=right src=''/></a>
For more info on writing html you might want to just search Google for ‘learn basic html’ or something like that.
But you can probably work out most of what you need from the example above. Just remember to close your tags!
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