Patient not getting billed
When a patient gets adjusted, they are automatically billed.
Sometimes they may be billed with a 100% discount i.e. billed $0.00 and you don’t know why.
Here are the reasons this may happen:
- The Agreed Fee Limit has been reached for the active care program. Uncheck ‘Apply Agreed Fee Limit’ or increase the ‘Agreed Fee’.
- The patient is set to ‘Not Billed’ as their billing system in their active care program. Choose a different method such as ‘Retail’.
- The ‘Service Discount’ is set to 100% in their active care program. Set it to 0.00%
- The patient is on ‘Membership’ and there is no credit or expected credit in their active care program to cover the visit. This is normal behaviour for Membership.
- The Appointment Type has ‘Adjust at this Appointment’ unchecked. Look in Settings..Appointments..Appointment Types. The type of the appointment that the patient arrived for is used.
If you have a case where you have checked all of these but are still finding a patient has been billed incorrectly, send a ticket to support. Be sure to include:
- Patient name
- Date and time of the ledger in error
If possible, leave the ledger in error so Support can identify the cause more quickly.
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