A ‘Mobile Appointment’ is an appointment type that can look forward or back when the patient arrives to save the front desk from having to reschedule the appointment.

Here’s how it works:

  1. If the patient has an appointment that day, they are process as normal. i.e. it makes no difference.
  2. If the patient does not have an appointment that day, Arrivals will look for an alternate appointment to use:
    1. First, Arrivals will look for the most recent Missed Appointment that is marked ‘Mobile’ in the last 2 weeks. If it finds one, the patient is arrived for that appointment.
    2. Next, Arrivals will look for the next future appointment that is marked ‘Mobile’ looking up to 1 week ahead. If it finds one, the patient is arrived for that appointment.

By doing this, Arrivals can help manage patients who arrive early or late for their appointments.

To enable a ‘Mobile Appointment’ check the box for the Appointment Type(s) where you want it. Go to Settings..Appointments..Appointment Types:


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