IT Support
Proper function of Spinalogic depends on the proper function of your hardware and network. This is outside of our scope of support. You should have a local IT support person available to assist with these matters.
Note that in almost every case, mission-critical issues (i.e. ones that will stop you from being able to practice) are not caused by Spinalogic issued but by hardware or networking issues. This makes it even more important that you have an IT Support Person you can depend on.
Recommended IT Support People
Brisbane / Remote: Luke Boura 0409 635 932
Hobart: Steven Hoffman 0409 515 656
We do not recommend a maintenance contract for your IT. It is unnecessary for typical practices. You just need someone you can depend on when you call them.
You do not need a Windows Server Domain. It is unnecessary complexity for a typical practice.
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