Installation of Calling on Windows Server NOT Recommended
Calling must be running in just one place on your network at any given time. It checks to make sure you only have it running on one pc BUT if you run two instances on the same pc, it won’t work and you won’t get any warning. It is simply not designed for this unusual scenario.
How the problem arises
It will only be a problem if you use multiple logins (users) on the same pc at the same time. This is called ‘Fast user switching’ in desktop windows and is just normal in Windows Server. In this scenario, you can mange to get calling running twice (or more!) on the same PC if you:
- Log in to Windows and start Spinalogic with Calling.
- Leave Calling running under that login
- Stay logged in but now log in as another user at the same time using Fast User Switching or Remote Desktop
- Start Spinalogic with Calling again under the new Windows login.
This is not a Spinalogic error but a use of Spinalogic it is not designed for.
The solution is to not log in to the same computer with more than one login simultaneously and start Spinalogic under each login.
How to never have it happen
1. Don’t use Calling on Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2011 or 2012. Only use with desktop Windows like Windows 7 or 8.
2. On Windows 7 or 8, disable ‘Fast User Switching’ so no-one can inadvertently make the mistake.
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