Importing DICOM Images
There are two different ways to import images into Spinalogic.
Option 1 – Direct DICOM push
This is where radiology directly push the images over the internet to your office. This is best, but takes a lot of setting up and many radiology services don’t do it. This is what you use when you send x-rays from your own machine.
For a more complete guide click here:
Option 2 – DICOM Download
The radiology service you use has probably given you access to a web portal where you can access/view images on your web browser. In that, there should be an option to download a set of x-rays as DICOM. You may be able to find it easy enough, otherwise, get help from their IT on this. Once you can, here’re the steps to follow:
- Create a folder on your desktop called, say, “DICOM Temp”
- In the webportal, download the DICOMs into this folder
- In Spinalogic, go to Clinical>Import DICOMs from Media.
- Import DICOM Images window will pop open. Click the disc to browse to the folder “DICOM Temp” you created (see image below). Click ok.
- In the Import DICOM Images window click the disc with the arrow to import the images.
- All done!
Now you can go to > Clinical… Image Capture. Then analyse the images and done. Watch the video on digital x-rays now.
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