How to customize your Swipe Card
You can customise your patient cards if you want. Unfortunately, that is not a supported feature – the design tool is actually only intended for development and not client use and and you will lose the customisation after each update.
Having said that, if you really want to do it, here’s how:
1. When you are about to click on the print icon to print a new card, hold down the ‘Shift’ key and instead of printing, the card will open in the designer. In the designer and change the layout to what you want. You will have to work this out for yourself as it is not supported but simple customisation is quite easy.
2. Go to File..Save Report As and save to your desktop. Keep the same name (PatientCard.mrt)
3. Close your designer
4. Find the Spinalogic\Reports directory: using windows explorer, go to c:\program files\spinalogic\reports. (If you have a 64 bit pc it will be c:\program files (x86)\spinalogic\reports).
5. Find the original PatientCard.mrt file and rename it to PatientCard_0ld.mrt
5. Copy the PatientCard.mrt file into the reports directory and replace the one that’s there.
That should work for you. If you keep the file you saved on your desktop, you can simply copy it back again after each update if you like.
If you really mess it up, just change to renamed original file back to the original name and all will be restored.
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