HICAPS Machine Setup
Spinalogic is fully integrated with HICAPS, there is just a little setting up we need to do first.
How it works:
After the patient is billed either automatically or manually, the CA can send ledgers directly from Spinalogic to the HICAPS terminal with the click of a button. The patient then swipes their HICAPS card in the HICAPS terminal, and maybe makes a gap payment with another card. The details are then all logged against the ledger in Spinalogic without any further action by the CA. It’s a very easy and intuitive process but it does require a CA to participate. The CA does not need to be able to see the screen on the terminal as it is mirrored on the screen in Spinalogic so you can see it as if you were looking at the terminal itself.
Integration Action Steps:
- Tell us which pc you will be plugging the HICAPS machine in to. You will be able to process HICAPS transactions from any Spinalogic Workstation, but the HICAPS terminal still needs to plug in to some PC – typically the one nearest where you want the terminal to be so it can be easily accessed by Patients.
- Send an email (ticket@spinalogic.org) telling us which pc you’re going to use.
- We will install some software on that pc. The software is actually created by HICAPS, but we’ll make sure it’s installed. After it’s installed, you’ll see the HICAPS icon showing in RED in the system tray indicating the software is installed but not connected to a HICAPS terminal.
- Plug your HICAPS machine into your reception pc where you will be processing the HICAPS transactions. The HICAPS user guides are here, and this is most likely the specific document you might need. Once connected correctly, the HICAPS icon in the system tray will show in a mustard colour. If you get stuck on this step, we CANNOT help you! You must contact HICAPS Support.
- Reply to the ticket/email (or email: ticket@spinalogic.org) to let us know you have the mustard icon.
We will then finalize the HICAPS configuration in Spinalogic for you.
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