Help! My patients are stuck / Calling isn’t working
- Patients aren’t being called
- Patients won’t move from Departure Stops, Arrival Stops or Hotseats
- Can’t Activate / InActivate adjusting tables
If you are getting any of these symptoms, it means that Calling is not running on your network.
How it works
Calling is the app which runs on one machine in your office and handles all patient queue managment as well as actually calling out the patient names for their adjustments.
It must be installed on one and only one PC in your office.
What to do
Turn on / restart Calling PC
Usually this problem happens simply because the PC which has Calling installed is turned off! The solution? Turn it on… and start up Spinalogic. If you are not sure which PC has Calling installed, it’s the one attached to the speakers where the patient names are called out of.
Occasionally, a problem on that machine will make Calling unresponsive. The easiest solution is to simply restart that PC.
Fix Firewall / Antivirus
Your firewall / antivirus software may occasionally pop up a box asking if you trust Spinalogic. Of course you must say yes!
It is important you have your firewall / antivirus installed correctly.
Special Case – Calling on Server / PC with Multiple Users
On Windows, you can have more than one person logged in at the same time. If both of these people run Spinalogic and you have Calling installed on this pc, you get more than one instance of Calling running at the same time. This will result in erratic behaviour and usually total failure of Calling.
Calling is not desinged to be installed on a multi-user machine. The best solution is to move Calling to a different PC that is not a multiuser.
If you ‘must’ have it on your a multiuser machine, you have to ensure Spinalogic is only started by one user. Proceed at your own risk!
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