Discounting Fees
You have your standard fee for your services but for some patients you may want to charge a different fee. How do you do this?
Open the Patient’s Account
Right-click the patient, Admin..Accounts
See the ‘Service Discount’. It is 0% by default meaning there is no discount for that patient. Your default service fee (for an adjustment) shows just below.
Changing the Service Discount
You can enter a percent discount, say 20%, and the Default Service Fee will update to reflect that change. For example, if your usual fee is $50 and you enter a 20% discount, the Default Service Fee for that patient will be $40.
Changing the Default Service Fee
But what if you want to set the fee directly? Just enter it in. Say you enter $42, the Service Discount will now change to $16.00%. In other words, you can change the setting from either end.
What it means
Now, anytime you bill for a service either manually or automatically, that service discount will apply. It will apply to all services. It will not apply to any products.
Note that you can set the Default Service Fee to be higher than your regular fee too. Just don’t be put off by the fact that you will get a negative discount! This is normal.
Calculate from Agree Fee
If you have an Agreed Fee for a care program, you may want to set your service fee such that the Agree Fee is paid across the entire care program. In this case, click ‘Calculate discount from agreed fee’.
For example, if a patient is on a care program that has 50 adjustments and an agree fee of $2000, the Default Service Fee of $40 would spread the payment of that agreed fee over the entire program. If you click ‘Calculate discount from agreed fee’, Spinalogic will work out what the fee should be in your case.
Note that this only applies to care programs. It is not available (or meaningful!) when Off-Program.
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