Smoothly change your Zero-Touch Payment Gateway with patients
If you have sold your practice, you are likely to want to change the Payment Gateway (PG) that processes your Zero-Touch transactions. The PG is service we connect to in order to process your transactions: Stripe, Eway or Paypal.
Here’s what you need to know.
The card details (or other payment agreements) you have for each patient is linked to the PG account that was used when you set the card. If you change your PG account, the stored card details will no longer work. You will have to re-acquire the patient card in the new stripe account.
Changing the Payment Gateway account
Go to Settings..System Settings..Accounts. Modify the existing ZT PG account to use the credentials for your account. If you need any help with this, just reach out to support with a ticket.
Affected Patients
You will need a full list of all active patients with Scheduled Pay Zero Touch, Membership, AutoBill or ZeroTouch set as their payment method. Send a ticket and ask and support can send you a list.
Collecting new card details
Note that you do need to be careful with how you get credit card details. Email is generally not considered secure. Sending by SMS is generally considered safe. Of course over the phone or in-person is fine too.
You can send a batch email or SMS directly out of Spinalogic including merging of name and email. Just select all your active patients and uncheck those not in the list of affected patients.
Now you just need to come up with a strategy to bring the patients across. Here are some suggestions on how you can make a process that is relatively easy:
Option 1 – Ahead of time
Send an email or SMS to all patients determined above asking them to send you their Credit Card details. It’s best they don’t email them to you but send you a SMS. You can then go in to each patient record as you receive the details and update them.
Option 2 – With arrival stops
Set an arrival stop for each affected patient. As they arrive, get their new card details. Spinalogic Support can generate a set of arrival messages – one for each affected patient – to make this easier. Just submit a ticket.
Option 3 – With arrival stops and email – **Recommended**
Combine the best of both Options 1 and 2. Send an email to all affected patients inviting them to send card details …or… to bring their card in with them to take care of it at their next visit. Let them know they will be stopped when they arrive if they haven not taken care of it ahead of time.
Option 4 – Wait for payments to fail and follow up – NOT Recommended
If you don’t do anything, the payments will just fail and you and the patient will be notified. You just need to update their card details and re-issue the payments.
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