Data Import – Key Notes
We will import your existing practice data into Spinalogic. Typically we will do this when you first install Spinalogic, then again just before you go live to make sure you have the most up-to-date patient list and account balances etc.
If we are doing a CSV import, please also read Spinalogic Data Importer – CSV.
This is what gets imported:
1. Doctors
All doctors are imported from your previous system. If you add a new doctor to your old system, you can reimport Doctors and only the new one will be added. Reimporting doctors will not update their details after the first import.
This means you can safely get your Doctor settings right in Spinalogic after your import knowing they won’t be overwritten.
2. Patients
All patients are imported from your previous system.
On subsequent runs, only patients who have not been imported before are added.
Note: that this means that if you make changes to a patient’s record in your old system after you import them, they will not make it over to Spinalogic.
3. Appointments
Any appointments in Spinalogic are deleted, then all appointments from from the last 24 months are imported. This means that you can play with making appointments as much as you like when learning before you go live. Just re-import immediately before going live.
Any patient that has a pending appointment is marked as Active.
4. Financial Positions
Any transactions you may have entered into Spinalogic are deleted and all final balances for all patients are imported.
If you want to write off small amounts, let us know. We can enter the thresholds below which to ignore for credit and debit. This way those small balances will be cleaned from your Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable.
5. Hours
Basic hours will import with all doctors hours mapped to ‘Primetime’ in Spinalogic. ‘Primetime’ is initially set to allow any appointment type so it gives you a fully flexible appointment book. Later you will probably want to make your book less flexible to give it structure.
6. Products and Services
Products and Services will be imported at the first import. We will not import after this.
Note: that this means that if you make changes to products and services in your old system after the first import, the changes will not make it over to Spinalogic.
You can import your data and play with it in Spinalogic. Get all your settings right. Even import x-rays. When you are ready to go live, you can reimport your data. No patient data is changed except for updating your admin notes, re-freshing your appointments and renewing the patient account balances. New patients are imported.
So you can do this re-import as often as you like BUT once you go live, you must not do it again or you will lose any changes you have made to these items in Spinalogic. It’s important that when you go live with Spinalogic for real, you stop putting data into your old system and just use Spinalogic from that point on. Of course you can (and should) still refer back to your old system for old statements etc. Just don’t put anything new into it!
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Can I just import the patient info and visits for my gold coast clinic and not Elwood
Hi Dr Ashley, Yes you can. No problem. I have forwarded your query to onboarding so they will be able to action that for you.