Calling, Long Appointments and Massage and Other Therapists
The calling system is specifically designed to optimise the efficiency of practitioners who see 6 or more patients per hour. This is normal for Chiropractors, but uncommon for Special Appointments, Massage Appointments and pretty much any other visit.
Firstly, we don’t recommend you set your exam room or massage room as a calling destination. Instead, do it like this:
Long Appointments
A Chiropractor will commonly have appointments that include some longer activity along with an adjustment such as teaching exercises, re-exams etc. Usually the patient will be taken to a special location such as an exam room for this activity and it might be with the Doctor or an Assistant. In either case, here’s how to set that up.
In the Appointment Type for the long appointment:
- In the Arrival Text and Arrival Voice Over, set a message for the patient when they arrive so they know what’s happening and where they should go. e.g. “You have new exercises today. Please take a seat outside the exam room. We will be with you shortly”
- Check to box ‘Stop On Arrival’
- If you bill for this event as well as the adjustment, check the box ‘Invoice on Arrival’ and set the item to invoice for.
- Check ‘Flag Doctor at Adjusting Table’ so the event will show in the sub-goal list for the Doctor (and TCA) and be highlighted on the adjusting table.
- Set other options as you see fit.
Now when the patient arrives here’s how the flow will work:
- The patient will be directed by the Arrival Text and Voice Over.
- They will not be called and …
- It is you/your team’s responsibility to handle the patient and do the special event.
- Once complete, release the Arrival Stop
- The patient will be called to the next open adjusting table. They will have retained their position in the queue according to their arrival time
- Adjust as normal, billing will occur as normal.
Massage or Other Therapists
For Massage or other therapist visits, here’s how we recommend you set things up.
In the Appointment Type for Massaage:
- In the Arrival Text and Arrival Voice Over, set a message for the patient when they arrive so they know what’s happening and where they should go. e.g. “Welcome for your Massage. Please take a seat outside the massage room. We will be with you shortly”
- Check to box ‘Stop On Arrival’
- Check the box ‘Invoice on Arrival’ and set the item to invoice to the appropriate Massage service item.
- Check ‘Flag Doctor at Adjusting Table’ so the event will show in the sub-goal list for the Therapist.
- Set other options as you see fit.
Now when the patient arrives here’s how the flow will work:
- The patient will be directed by the Arrival Text and Voice Over.
- They will not be called and …
- It is your therapist’s responsibility to find the patient and take them to the treatment room.
- Open the patient’s Clinical..History from the subgoal list on your homepage. You will be able to see your notes from previous visits. You can also easily access imaging (from Review tab) or attached docs (from Documents tab)
- Click the Green ‘+’ button above the history list to add a new event. Set the Event Type and enter your notes.
- If you need to add to or edit the item billed on arrival, click the Green ‘$’ button and make your changes.
- Save and close your notes.
- Right-click the patient on the Sub-Goal List on the homepage, click ‘Make Appointment Fulfilled’
- If you set any Departure Stops, the patient will be stopped on departure, otherwise, you’re all done 🙂
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