Best Location for Calling
The Spinalogic Calling module must be installed on one and only one pc in your office. But which one is the best location?
The key determining factor is that Calling will be generating the audible calling messages and playing them through the pc speakers. Those speakers need to be turned up loud enough and be located such that they can be heard by waiting patients.
Best Location
In general, the best place for your Calling is on one of your adjusting pcs. If you have an open plan adjustatorium style of practice, this works just great. If you have closed rooms you will need a set of bluetooth speakers that you can place in a location more suited for patients to hear the calling while the Calling Module is still installed on your adjusting pc.
Bad Ideas
You may think that because of the above, installing the Calling Module on Arrivals or one of the Reception PCs might be a good solution. This is typically not a good idea.
Arrivals has it’s own audible messages for patients and it’s confusing for the patients to hear irrelevant calling messages when they are arriving. Also, the location is such that the sound is coming from the opposite direction to where the patient is being called to!
The Reception PCs typically have the departure and arrival stops on display. These play notification tones to the CA so they know someone has been added to those queues. Those tones are quite abrupt and when mixed in with the calling messages, makes an unpleasant experience for the patient.
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