Arrival Docs not Printing
You can have documents print when patients arrive as part of their care program or specific tagged documents. To do this, you need a few things right first.
The Best Doc Type to Use
You are best to use Microsoft Word documents as you can set them up to mail merge the patient’s name, DOB, next appointment etc and so make a personalized experience. It also means if the patient leaves the doc lying around, you know who to give it to.
You can use any document that your arrival printer knows how to print, but you wont get the merging. PDF is printed natively by Arrivals so you don’t need Adobe Reader installed. Other documents will use the program that is registered for its type. e.g. a .xls file will be printed by Excel if you have it installed, or by Open Office if you have that installed.
First Things First
- Make sure Microsoft Word is installed.
- Open a Word doc and click print. The doc should come out of the printer you want. If not, fix Word or your print set up. (Get help from your IT guy if you need it here.)
Test it out
- Go to a patient’s file. Find an attached document (patient..Clinical..Documents) and check the ‘Deliver’ box next to the document.
- Create an appointment for the patient for later today.
- Register as that patient at Arrivals.
The document you marked should print out.
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