Accounts Receivable (Money Owed)
Accounts Receivable (A/R) is obviously how much money is owed to you and by whom. Unfortunately, many practices don’t track their A/R and end up owed many thousands of dollars. When these debts get too old, the become difficult to collect. Also, most if not all can be avoided by proper patient management up front.
Check your A/R daily until you get it down to zero. Then continue to check it daily for a month or two until you have eliminated all debt creation in your office. Then you can relax your vigilance somewhat and check maybe weekly.
Actually, Spinalogic has made this very easy to track. It shows up right on your homepage in the Performance Spotlight so you can easily check it daily.
A/R is also available in the reports. Click the Reports button..Financial..Accounts Receivable. By default you’ll see the A/R as at now but you can change that if you want to see how they have changed over time.
You can also export all A/R into an Excel spreadsheet which you can then mail merge with Word to send out letters. In reports again, select Mail Merge..Accounts Receivable (down the bottom of the list). Then, at the top of the form, click Save and select Microsoft Excel File.
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[…] Accounts Receivable means the amounts owed to the practice. If you run a cash practice, this should of course always be zero. It's important to review your accounts receivable on a regular basis like daily or weekly so they don't get out of control! More… […]