Re-Import Before GoLive
Just before you GoLive for the first time, you need to do a final data import. This will remove any play data you have entered and refresh account balances and appointments from your previous system.
**IMPORTANT** While this should be obvious: If you have upgraded Spinalogic all your patient data is already up to date. Do not re-import your old data in this case! Skip the rest of this page.
**IMPORTANT** After your final data import you must stop putting data into your old system. Of course refer back to your old system for patient statements or other info that is not imported but don’t put anything new in there.
Final Data Import
Start the Spinalogic Data Importer – you’ll find it in your Start Menu on the PC where you installed it as part of the Essential Settings.
Refresh Patient Data
The Spinalogic Data Importer will automatically go directly to the ‘Data’ tab ready to do the final import. Just click the ‘Import’ button. This will import any patients that have been added to your old system since the first data import, refresh all the appointments in Spinalogic to the latest in your old system and import the latest financial positions of each patient.
Clean up
When done, go to the ‘Special’ tab. In the ‘Before Go Live’ section, click the ‘All’ button. This will remove all the stuff you created when playing with Spinalogic.
Optional Clean Up
If you have any extra Appointment Types, Care Programs, Checkpoints, Payments or Payment Types in Spinalogic that you want to remove, now is the time to do it. In Spinalogic, prefix any you don’t want with the letter ‘z’ (no quotes). Save your changes in Spinalogic. Come back to the Importer and click the appropriate button to remove the ones you have marked.
Finally, if you have imported a lot of images to Spinalogic that you don’t want to be analysing, click the button ‘Make all images analysed’ so they won’t clutter your patient review list.
All done!
And that’s it. Final import is complete. You are ready to go live.
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